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Event organisers are responsible for implementing effective noise management strategies for concerts, festivals, or events, to ensure the health and safety of all involved. As part of your event management plan, it is crucial to prepare and agree upon noise management plans, which must be submitted to the local authority before the event takes place.


When you entrust us with the task of producing your Noise Management Plan (NMP), you'll gain practical insights into its implementation and have full confidence in our ability to handle all necessary aspects.


noise management plans

Preparation | Submission to authorities

how we can help

Our dedicated health and safety consultants will work on your behalf to provide a comprehensive framework within the NMP. This framework includes identifying the procedures required to control, minimise, and reduce noise levels, specifying appropriate noise monitoring locations and noise limits, outlining the complaints procedure, and presenting a detailed noise control strategy.

Noise level monitoring equipment positioned on a street
Stage in lights

optimised noise management

Our goal is to create an environment where noise is carefully managed, ensuring the comfort and safety of all attendees while enhancing their event experience.


By collaborating with our experienced team of health and safety consultants, you can be confident that your Noise Management Plan will be comprehensive, tailored to your event, and in compliance with applicable regulations.

customised collaboration

We are committed to working closely with you to develop a customised approach that meets your specific requirements.

Illuminated concert crowd
Concert crowd


let our experts guide you through the process

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